
For a summary of upcoming events see the event calendar.

For information about the entry process see how to enter.

When: Saturday & Sunday, 3rd & 4th December, 2016

Where: Litchfield Education Centre, Litchfield National Park

If you have Rogained within the last 12 Months you are cordially invited to attend an end of year get together in conjunction with the Darwin Bushwalking Club within Litchfield National Park.

On the Saturday commencing at 13:30hrs there will a navigational training exercise with a theory/practical session for an hour by Level 1 coach Jon Potter then followed by a 2 hour field challenge, whereby experienced people will be paired with someone who requires some assistance, mentoring and guidance to become a more proficient navigator. So we will need those that want to improve their navigation and those that are willing to share their knowledge and experience.

There will be also other interesting and fun activities throughout the evening and the next day.

The weekend is to thank all those within the clubs for their support and assistance throughout the year.

For an insight into the activities see attached form and flyer.

Should you be interested in participating, please read and complete the attached form and submit to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

This form needs to be submitted no later than Friday 25/11/2016.

Download this file (Entry Form.pdf)Entry Form.pdf[Form]82 kB
Download this file (Xmas Rogaine_edited-1.jpg)Xmas Rogaine_edited-1.jpg[Flyer]967 kB

6-hr Metrogaine / 4-hr Cyclegaine

When: Saturday, 8th October, 2016

Where: Knuckey Lagoon and surrounds

Time: Foot: 3:00PM-9:00PM, Bike: 4:30PM-8:30PM

Grab some friends and test your navigational skills as you walk, run or cycle around Knuckey Lagoon and the surrounding bushland and suburbs. Enter the 4-hour event on bikes (pedal version) or the 6-hour event on foot. The route you take and the time you spend on the course is up to you, within the respective time limits.

The event will start from the Knuckey Lagoon Recreation Reserve.

Entry includes a BBQ dinner afterwards.

Don’t have a team? We will find you one!
Contact us via email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you would like to take part but don’t have a team.

Download this file (Entry Form KBMC.xls)Entry Form KBMC.xls[Entry Form]110 kB
Download this file (KBBnB_flyer.pdf)KBBnB_flyer.pdf[Flyer]824 kB

12-hour bush rogaine (with 6-hour roving)

When: Saturday, 18th June, 2016

Where: Litchfield National Park – Florence Falls Southern Escarpment

Time: 12 noon - 12 midnight

GGG 400 300

Join us for a 12hr bush rogaine and test your navigational skills as you traverse your way around the natural environments of Litchfield National Park. There will also be a 6 hour event within the event times from midday to midnight, more commonly known as a roving event. Competitors entering this event may come and go from the hash house but can only be on the course for a maximum of 6 hours.

The course setter, Jon Potter says:

"Terrain is Savannah woodland, escarpment country, sandy plains with some rock features in the deeper gullies and some easily traversable rain forest. The course has been planned to be of a user friendly nature with an easy route choice between all controls, regardless of the attack direction."

The hash house is a large area with plenty of shady trees to camp under and right on the edge of the course proper. There will still be creeks and waterfalls running in June.

This is a very doable event for all-comers, with good points available to even the least experienced as well as a challenge to the experienced at the extremities."

Entries now open, entries close 15th June 2016

Download this file (GGG Entry Form_final.xls)GGG Entry Form_final.xls[Entry Form]99 kB
Download this file (GGG Flyer.jpg)GGG Flyer.jpg[Flyer]788 kB

6-hr Metrogaine / 4-hr Cyclegaine

When: Saturday February 20, 2016

Where: Casuarina Secondary College

Time:  Foot: 3:00PM-9:00PM, Bike: 4:30PM-8:30PM

Grab some friends and explore the streets and bushland of Darwin's Northern Suburbs area. Enter the 4-hour event on bikes (pedal version) or the 6-hour event on foot.

Metrogaines and Cyclogaines are sporting events based around the urban environment in line with the guiding principle of Rogaining.

Rogaining is a sport of cross-country navigation, involving both route planning and navigation between checkpoints using a map. Teams of 2-5 people choose which checkpoints to visit within a time limit with the intent of maximizing their score. The route you take and the time you spend on the course is up to you, as long as they are within the respective time limits. Call it a fun run, walk or ride with a twist as you and your team navigates through the course as determined by your pre-planned route at a pace you set using the map provided. It suits anyone from fun social teams to the ultra-competitive. The competitive can choose to go hard, while others may simply want to enjoy a leisurely afternoon walk or ride.

Entry also includes a BBQ dinner.

Entries now open, final entries close 17th February.

Don’t have a team? We will find you one!
Contact us via email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you would like to take part but don’t have a team.

Setter: John Shanahan , Vetters: Julie & Dave Page

Download this file (NBKA_EntryForm.xls)NBKA_EntryForm.xls[Excel]108 kB
Download this file (NorburbsKnockabout_flyer.jpg)NorburbsKnockabout_flyer.jpg[Flyer]203 kB